Sunday, December 2, 2007

Vaccine Facts

FACT: Autism began by affecting 1 in 10,000
it now affects 1 in 150
a direct correlation to the rise in vaccines added to the schedule.
(most of which contained mercury)

FACT: The only cases of Polio in this country today are caused by the vaccine itself

FACT: Vaccines contain mercury, formaldehyde, aluminum, fetal rhesus monkey lung and kidney cells, chick embryo, and antifreeze.

FACT: The rise in autism, ADD, ADHD, diabetes, cancer and a whole spectrum of disorders rose dramatically in at the same rate and time as did multiple vaccines added to the schedule

FACT: In the 90’s the vaccine market had 14% annual growth
while drug sales had 8%. The global vaccine market
reached 6.5 billion and was expected to top 10 bil by 2010

Eli Lilly produces stattera- a treatment for ADHD, disorder said to be caused by vaccines

FACT: Congressman Dan Burton discovered that some members
of the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices
that approve vaccines
• owned stock in the vaccine manufacturing firms
• owned patents for vaccines affected by their decisions
• sat on the Board of Drug companies

FACT: In the years 2000-2002 Eli Lilly gave $1.6 mil in
political contributions (80% to republicans, $226,000
went to the National Republic Senatorial Campaign run by Bill Frist)

The major drug co’s contributed more than $30 mil to help elect allies to Congress