Saturday, December 29, 2007

Feeling Sorry For Myself..........

Feeling Sorry For Myself

Today I brought my 13 year old daughter to a friend of ours, home. Visiting too was an 8 year old little boy. 8 going on 20. So articulate in his speech. What I would give for my son to be able to speak like that.. My eyes swelled with tears as I watched my daughter play a video game with him. Her Autistic brother is 8 1/2 and what I would give to have them be able to play together like that. My daughter seemed so calm and peaceful. I know siblings fight but they also play together and that is a missing link for my daughter. Autism is like a tornado it rips your home to shreds, and before your feet lies the shattered pieces of glass that rip through your heart strings. All you have left is the rubble of what could have been.........

Monday, December 24, 2007

Autism Sucks!!

I hate Autism. I hate what it does it does it to our children, I hate what it does to my son, my family and me..... Hate is very harsh word and I don't like to use it but it seems very appropriate to use because I am angry and worn out.
My son is going to be 9 years old in January and he is still not potty trained. Our home has become his toilet. They say God only gives you what you can handle. BS. God if you are listening............... I don't want to handle this anymore. I want my son to get better. I want him to loose his Autism label. We love him very much but a person can take only so much. The older he gets the harder it gets. We have tried everything and will continue too........ but enough is enough. His speech is that of a 12 month old. What I would give to have a conversation with him.
My beautiful boy was born healthy and was poisoned by vaccines. I was reading an article about the actress Jennifer Garner and how she promotes immunizations and the flu shot. As I was cleaning up the BM my son left all over the stairs. I thought of her. Stupid , Stupid woman. Do the research before you promote something you know nothing about.
I was stupid once too and now I live with Autism 24/7. I hate Autism and I hate what vaccines did to my son.................. Autism Sucks!!! It stole our beautiful healthy baby boy from us and we want him back NOW........